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Women – Get Out Of The Mojo “Funk”…

It’s a brand new year and this is the year you come out and WOW the world with the new you.  Some of the “on-purpose” secrets you can use to get out of the Mojofunk” are pretty simple, but they are “on-purpose” – so they do require you to think and remember how and when these will really work for you day-to-day.


Never forget your girlfriends!

Funk #1 – Feeling blue and just a little “down”

Cure #1 – Turn on “happy” music, watch a movie you enjoy, call a friend for a cup of coffee OR the easiest way is to “smile” – that’s really it – you can instantly feel your mood change – even if you’re forcing yourself to smile.  It’s a trick your brain uses to get out of that down mood.

Funk #2 – Getting into a fight with your lover

Cure #2 – Get out of the house – take a walk, go away for a cup of coffee…do something that will take you out of the moment, pump up your endorphines and provide you with a clear head for better communications when you return.

Every Woman Is Beautiful!

You ARE Beautiful!

Funk #3 – Letting someone else provide your “worth” and making you feel unappreciated

Cure #3 – Get out that little Post-It note pad and start writing out ALL the things that are good about you! Here are a couple for your desk, your mirror at home, your car dashboard: “I will not let someone else determine my self-worth or take away my power!” “I am beautiful” “I have value”.  These are just a few to get you going.

Funk #4 – You’ve had an argument with a friend

Cure #4 – Give your relationship some breathing room.  Step back and let cooler heads prevail – you are both adults and just trust that your value in each other is worth going back to.  Call and arrange a meeting place that is private and don’t forget the healing touch of a hug!

Funk #5 – Your stress level is through the roof

Cure #5 – Coffee with a friend, bubble baths, and even taking an hour out of the day to read a good book are all ways that for just a little while you can step back from the stress and just remember – “Breathe”…the worries of today will take care of themselves or they will still be there for you to handle tomorrow when you’ve had some down-time to relax.

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