
Archive for January 19, 2012

Woman’s Mojo – Confidence IS Sexy!

January 19, 2012 1 comment

Before you can “be sexy” – you need to “be confident”!  It’s critical to anything you will do as you move forward in this Mojo recreation of you!

It’s important that you look in the mirror and see the beauty everyone else sees.  Your eyes – Your smile – The way your nose crinkles when you smile – That little dimple on your cheek…Whatever it is YOU have something that is incredibly beautiful to people when they see you.  There are ways to emphasize those little (or big) assets.

A great way to find them is to make a trip to a department store or a makeup salon like MAC Cosmetics. I actually know a gal who, when she has a big event, will go in to a makeup store and have them help her apply her makeup for the event!  Just a small purchase of one of their products and you walk out with a GREAT look for the evening!  How cool is that?

When you put on your makeup – don’t just do the “go-to-the-office” makeup…really think it through – need help on a technique? Here’s a great website with step-by-step tutorials:  Makeup 101 – They have wonderful tutorials on everything from the basics to the WOW factor.

Now that your makeup is ready and your face is awesome, you need to see and love the rest of you too.  Your neck, collarbone, shoulders, bust, tummy (yes tummy), buns and legs.  Everything that makes you who you are is what is makes you sexy and beautiful.

Think of that breath on your neck from a lover, or that kiss on your shoulder from someone special?  Doesn’t that feel “sexy”?  It is – we all have erogenous zones that make our whole body react to just the simplest touch.

Your bust is you and whether it is large, small or somewhere in between, it is beautiful.  Want a larger bust – try tricks like wearing 2 bras instead of just one – try pulling the straps together at the back and safety-pin them for a more voluptuous cleavage.  Here’s a YouTube video that shares some more tricks for that special look!

Your tummy, whether it’s tight and firm, rounded, tight waist or that cute little pooch – it’s all about you loving you.  Remember – when you love yourself, others will see that and love you for you too!

Buns – well, there are a billion (make that 7 billion) different buns on this planet, so your buns are unique and no one will ever have one exactly like yours.  Remember – confidence – loving you. Here’s a quick 4 minute video that shares great Booty Workout to get you going for that booty you want!

And, last but NOT least are your legs.  Short, medium or long legs can all benefit by a couple of tricks.  Wearing nude color heels with nude hose helps make a continuous line from toe to waist and here are two more videos that share quick “How-To’s” to make your legs appear longer.  Just by pushing up the sleeves of your top will draw the eye up, watch this to see the how/why! And, here’s a video to show how to shop for the right shoe!

So, now you’re ready for that next step – keep following and we’ll be sure to share more tips on how to do continue that magical makeover to a sexier you!