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Woman’s Mojo – Confidence IS Sexy!

January 19, 2012 1 comment

Before you can “be sexy” – you need to “be confident”!  It’s critical to anything you will do as you move forward in this Mojo recreation of you!

It’s important that you look in the mirror and see the beauty everyone else sees.  Your eyes – Your smile – The way your nose crinkles when you smile – That little dimple on your cheek…Whatever it is YOU have something that is incredibly beautiful to people when they see you.  There are ways to emphasize those little (or big) assets.

A great way to find them is to make a trip to a department store or a makeup salon like MAC Cosmetics. I actually know a gal who, when she has a big event, will go in to a makeup store and have them help her apply her makeup for the event!  Just a small purchase of one of their products and you walk out with a GREAT look for the evening!  How cool is that?

When you put on your makeup – don’t just do the “go-to-the-office” makeup…really think it through – need help on a technique? Here’s a great website with step-by-step tutorials:  Makeup 101 – They have wonderful tutorials on everything from the basics to the WOW factor.

Now that your makeup is ready and your face is awesome, you need to see and love the rest of you too.  Your neck, collarbone, shoulders, bust, tummy (yes tummy), buns and legs.  Everything that makes you who you are is what is makes you sexy and beautiful.

Think of that breath on your neck from a lover, or that kiss on your shoulder from someone special?  Doesn’t that feel “sexy”?  It is – we all have erogenous zones that make our whole body react to just the simplest touch.

Your bust is you and whether it is large, small or somewhere in between, it is beautiful.  Want a larger bust – try tricks like wearing 2 bras instead of just one – try pulling the straps together at the back and safety-pin them for a more voluptuous cleavage.  Here’s a YouTube video that shares some more tricks for that special look!

Your tummy, whether it’s tight and firm, rounded, tight waist or that cute little pooch – it’s all about you loving you.  Remember – when you love yourself, others will see that and love you for you too!

Buns – well, there are a billion (make that 7 billion) different buns on this planet, so your buns are unique and no one will ever have one exactly like yours.  Remember – confidence – loving you. Here’s a quick 4 minute video that shares great Booty Workout to get you going for that booty you want!

And, last but NOT least are your legs.  Short, medium or long legs can all benefit by a couple of tricks.  Wearing nude color heels with nude hose helps make a continuous line from toe to waist and here are two more videos that share quick “How-To’s” to make your legs appear longer.  Just by pushing up the sleeves of your top will draw the eye up, watch this to see the how/why! And, here’s a video to show how to shop for the right shoe!

So, now you’re ready for that next step – keep following and we’ll be sure to share more tips on how to do continue that magical makeover to a sexier you!

Women – Get Out Of The Mojo “Funk”…

January 3, 2012 Leave a comment

It’s a brand new year and this is the year you come out and WOW the world with the new you.  Some of the “on-purpose” secrets you can use to get out of the Mojofunk” are pretty simple, but they are “on-purpose” – so they do require you to think and remember how and when these will really work for you day-to-day.


Never forget your girlfriends!

Funk #1 – Feeling blue and just a little “down”

Cure #1 – Turn on “happy” music, watch a movie you enjoy, call a friend for a cup of coffee OR the easiest way is to “smile” – that’s really it – you can instantly feel your mood change – even if you’re forcing yourself to smile.  It’s a trick your brain uses to get out of that down mood.

Funk #2 – Getting into a fight with your lover

Cure #2 – Get out of the house – take a walk, go away for a cup of coffee…do something that will take you out of the moment, pump up your endorphines and provide you with a clear head for better communications when you return.

Every Woman Is Beautiful!

You ARE Beautiful!

Funk #3 – Letting someone else provide your “worth” and making you feel unappreciated

Cure #3 – Get out that little Post-It note pad and start writing out ALL the things that are good about you! Here are a couple for your desk, your mirror at home, your car dashboard: “I will not let someone else determine my self-worth or take away my power!” “I am beautiful” “I have value”.  These are just a few to get you going.

Funk #4 – You’ve had an argument with a friend

Cure #4 – Give your relationship some breathing room.  Step back and let cooler heads prevail – you are both adults and just trust that your value in each other is worth going back to.  Call and arrange a meeting place that is private and don’t forget the healing touch of a hug!

Funk #5 – Your stress level is through the roof

Cure #5 – Coffee with a friend, bubble baths, and even taking an hour out of the day to read a good book are all ways that for just a little while you can step back from the stress and just remember – “Breathe”…the worries of today will take care of themselves or they will still be there for you to handle tomorrow when you’ve had some down-time to relax.

Women – Traps We Lay for Ourselves When Working On Our Own Mojo!

December 13, 2011 Leave a comment
  • 1 – We all do IT. We all make silly remarks about our appearance, our body type, weight, hairstyle (or lack of) and what we don’t realize until it’s become a habit is that we are sabotaging ourselves and teaching our own psyche that we are less than someone else.

Well, today is the day you STOP…you are not the brunt of your own best jokes. We know what that is like; many of us from early childhood have done it – if we make fun of ourselves it won’t hurt so much when someone else does it – if we tell the joke on ourselves first then someone else won’t be able to use that jab to cut us.

  • 2 – Do you view sex as a chore or a job to do and get over with? Seriously? Over time, especially for women in long-term relationships some of the “spark” goes OUT of the romance and you need to think of sex as a way to put that spark back IN to your relationship. Remember when all you could think about was spending time with your mate and having wild, far-out, mind-blowing sex?

It’s a change in the way you think, but it’s a good thing when you think back to that time when you could hardly wait to get your lover in the bedroom (or the living room, or the dining room table – don’t confess that one to anybody who’s been to your house for dinner).

  • 3 – Get out of the routine you live day in and day out – Act out on those happy, frisky thoughts that run in and out of your mind – Change up that wardrobe and add some spice to your appearance in and out of the bedroom – Don’t skip those sexy caring for yourself things (manicure, pedicure, bubble-bath, exercise, meditation) – You need those for you to feel good about yourself.

Take a healthy overall look at your life and see what things you know you can change today and what things will take time…map out a strategy to get rid of the old, bring in the new and really work that Mojo!

Schedule a Romance Party Today!

Is Mojo JUST a “Man-Thing”? Heck NO!

November 20, 2011 2 comments

Are you ready to “ramp up your mojo” ladies?  Let’s get our mojo on and see how, as our own best friend, we CAN  be ALL that we can be!

Confidence is Beautiful

We’re going to be doing a series on really focusing on what you need to do in the next 4 weeks to make your life, sexual and every other facet better than you ever thought possible!

You’ll need to get rid of the excuses why NOT to do this:

  • I could NEVER do that!
  • I’m too busy!
  • I feel foolish!
  • Maybe I’m not supposed to be “sexy”!
  • My partner or friends think this is baloney!

Let me just say that you:

  • You CAN do this – You owe it to yourself!
  • We’re all busy, and this isn’t a “poof you’ve got your mojo”, but it IS worth it to every facet of your life – business, personal, relationships
  • Don’t feel foolish! – This is something you can do FOR you!
  • You ARE meant to be sexy – PERIOD!
  • Remember that this journey over the next few weeks is about you and although your partner will benefit from your transformation, stay focused on your goal!

Whether you’re a “sexual virgin” and have never had that mind-blowing sexual experience, the “adventure explorer”, the new mom or the late bloomer, this is for you…

Here are 3 things to reject right now and from this day forward:

  1. Anything that stands in my way of becoming the best and sexiest you!
  2. Denying yourself sexual satisfaction – in other words – No More Faking!
  3. Any type of damaging talk that includes negative words when referring to your body; comparing yourself to any other woman; putting yourself down to others (and even in your own mind)

3 things to embrace right now and from this day forward:

  1. The importance sex plays in your life – feeling sexy, desirable and ultimately satisfied
  2. Creating the sexy you that you are going to become and how it will affect my daily life
  3. The sisterhood – as you grow, share what you’re learning with others close to you – help them be the sexiest they can be too!

Hold on ladies – it’s going to be a fantastic ride!

For Your Start In To Your Mojo!

The Art of Seduction – Part 4 – The Forgotten Art of Listening…

October 26, 2011 1 comment

Elizabeth Taylor - from Harley RoadKing Rider

And, I mean really listening to what your partner has to say. It is more a turn off than any other, to realize that when you are speaking from your heart and soul that the other person isn’t listening and has no intention of listening.

As human beings, we all want to be heard – we want someone else to validate our thoughts and ideas. No matter how simple or far-out they are, our thoughts tell more about who we are and we all want that “special person” to really and truly know us. We are not isolationist by nature. Humans are social creatures – how else can a social media site such as Facebook have more than 600 million members?

There is an art to listening – it takes an effort on the part of the seducer…it’s a critical step in seduction. You have to WANT to know the person you’re attracted to. Otherwise, you become just another non-entity that has the potential to become known as a “player” or worse, a “stalker/loser”.

We have a tendency to talk so much that we forget to listen – when that special someone in your life wants to talk you must stop talking and listen – really listen to what they’re saying.

  • Wipe out of your mind the thoughts of the day (and why what you have to say is so much more important).
  • Look the person in the eye.
  • Watch for body language.
  • Hold their hand if that is what feels right.
  • Ask questions – but then stop and wait; truly hear the answers.
  • Show them that you really care what about what they are saying.

By showing you are able and willing to hear them, you will succeed in the forgotten art of listening!

The Art of Seduction – Part 3 – The Art of Touch!

October 14, 2011 Leave a comment

When we are born we are wrapped in to a warm cocoon of a blanket and handed to our mother to be put close to her breast and feel her warmth and love.  As we grow up we go through stages of wanting to be touched and wanting to be left alone – you know “don’t embarrass me in front of the other kids, mom” –  to wanting that special guy or gal in your high school class just to reach out across the table and touch your hand.

We are a people who thrive on the touch of another human being. We desire it and long for it: when it isn’t there, we feel cold and alone. We see pampering as a massage or a facial or even just coffee across the table from a friend we can reach out to and touch. It’s in our DNA, what we’re made of deep inside and what our skin needs to feel warmth.

There is an art to touch though. Touching is so important in a relationship that you know your relationship is in trouble when you stop reaching out and touching one another. The hug can be so intimate that just that simple gesture can stimulate your senses and bring you to another level – just that quickly.

It’s important to know what your partner needs and communication is key:

• A gentle caress of the hand
• Holding hands when you walk through the park
• A tap on the butt
• Pushing hair back from eyes and looking deeply in to the windows of the soul
• A quick hug
• A deep and long hug that stirs the longings deep inside

So many ways we can say I love you and they are all a part of what makes us individual and connects us as a part of the human race – where touch can mean everything!

Connect with me on Facebook!

The Art of Seduction – Part 2 – The Art of the Kiss!

September 19, 2011 Leave a comment

In the movie Casablanca, “As Time Goes By“, sung by Dooley Wilson, has the famous line:  A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh; the fundamental things apply, as time goes by.

Bull!  There are more styles to a kiss than there are words to describe them!As Time Goes By

You have the Hollywood or European kiss – kiss/side, kiss/side – that kiss always tells me “how I look is more important than how you feel”.  The pinch of the cheeks and the kiss on the top of the head from a favorite aunt or uncle.  The peck on the cheek from a friend you see all the time.  But, the one that says “I love you more than life itself” – that is the one that requires finesse and skill.  The fun part is that skill and finesse only come through much practice.  Can anyone say YES!

Touching your lips to the lips of another has always symbolized a seal – hence the phrase, sealed with a kiss. It can be emotional and dramatic; as moving as the touch of two souls.  Deep, long kisses that come up from the bottom of your very being and feeds a desire for intimacy; that is the kiss that you will remember long after it ends.  Remember that kiss from someone long ago and all of a sudden you are transported to another place and time – you can smell the wonderful way they smelled at that moment – the look in their eyes as they glanced in to yours – the feel of their arms around you…those are memories that when you least expect them will come out of nowhere and warm your entire body.

When you reach in to the deepest part of yourself and bring that in to the kiss with one you desire, you feed them – they feel what you feel and they react to it.  A long, ardent kiss sharing everything that you are with another person can be the most satisfying part of any encounter.  It says I love you with every fiber of my being and I want to share that deepest part of me with you in this intimate moment.

Some may like it rough and some may like it deep and long; but whatever it is that pleasures you, make sure it is also what pleasures your partner. The kiss is one of those things in this life that requires another person to participate and that is what truly makes the kiss so very special.

So, as your teachers used to tell you “practice, practice, practice” until you have it perfected.  And then, practice some more!

Connect with me on Facebook!

Stay tuned for The Art of Seduction – 

Part 3 – The Art of  Touch

Get Your Body Kiss Today!

The Art of Seduction – Part 1 – The Art of Flirting!

September 1, 2011 6 comments

Do you realize how incredibly sexy you are?  Do you really?  Do you see how absolutely beautiful you are?  Do you really?

A lady, who is a lady at the party, and a tiger in the bedroom, is a woman that men will die for!

The “let’s get-it-on” isn’t always the way to approach your man when you want to have an evening of hot-blooded fun.  Seduction is the art that a woman needs to work (and work at if it doesn’t come naturally).  We are always learning new things – new positions – new tricks…but seduction really is an art-form.  It’s something to be practiced and the practice can be a huge part of the fun!

The “art of flirtingis something much more than you experienced as a teenager in high school or even as a young woman in college.  Flirting is a titillating skill that heightens the entire love-making experience.

Rita Hayworth

Those Eyes!

Here are some refresher tips on flirting.

  • Make sure the one you’re flirting with, is getting your subtle hints.
  • Flirt with your eyes – those longing “Come Hither” looks from the old black and white movies STILL work!
  • Flirt with your fingers – seduction is possible when your fingers trail over the person’s arm, or neck, or by running your fingers through their hair.
  • Flirt with your words – telling your guy or gal that you find them attractive and that you know how special they are – is so sexy.

Here’s a really fun product to make that night of seduction – oh so warm!

Stay tuned for The Art of Seduction – 

Part 2 – The Art of The Kiss

Something to warm up that night of passion!

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Health in the Bedroom!

August 5, 2011 1 comment

Image via Wikipedia

Over the years, all women experience times when we don’t feel their best. Whether it’s a few pounds we’ve put on or lost (it works both ways) or work and pressure at the office to “perform” – no not sexually, I hope, but still put on a show and be at the top of our game.  Then, too often we go home to dirty laundry, dishes, hungry husband or kids and once again, have to perform. Does this start to feel like women are trained seals – maybe…Women are made different from our male counterparts. It’s just the way it is.  But we all want to feel sexy, and loved, and desired…that’s a part of what makes us women!

We see hundreds of advertisements all addressing male erectile dysfunction but women are left out of the equation in all but a few instances – they’re just a model in the commercial.  There are many reasons a woman may be unresponsive, in addition to the reasons shown above and over the course of the next few articles I hope to be able to address some of them.

One that rises to the top of the list, according to WebMD  is actual inhibited sexual desire.  This one men may not understand, but we as women need to educate them.  Whether we’re ashamed of something about our bodies, too tired, or just don’t know why – there are times when we are not interested in sex.  But, when you see the incredible benefits to a healthy sexual experience you can look at sex in an entirely new light.

Here are five benefits in having a healthy sex life!

  1. Sex relieves stress – and here you were TOO stressed to think about sex!
  2. Sex reduces pain!
  3. Sex helps you sleep better!
  4. Sex boosts self-esteem!
  5. AND – we all know that Sex burns calories!
So, go burn some calories, relieve stress and sleep like a baby.
And for you gals who are looking for that extra added oomph to your pleasure party …CLICK HERE for more information: Love Motion #9 

I Am Woman – Hear Me Roar!

July 22, 2011 Leave a comment

I love to party…you can probably tell by the company I chose to align myself with! And I love to show women how they can step in to their sexuality and what makes them “Oh-So-Special”.  When women get together and giggle and laugh and LEARN something new, it makes it even more rewarding.

We run monthly specials, and I’ll share them here in this blog, but the focus and desire for me is to enlighten and educate women on how they can be even more unique – for themselves and for that someone special in their lives.

Whether it is a costume, or lingerie, or something adventurous like soft, furry handcuffs and blindfolds – they are all fun to use in the right situation. Women, when we get to a certain age, we sometimes become shy and uncertain. Don’t let this be you! We are in an age when women are stepping up even more in to who they are. Celebrate that – Don’t hide from who you are or who you want to become.

You are all beautiful and what exactly makes you so, really depends on you. Let your inner beauty shine so that everyone around you (and especially that someone special in your life) sees that. That Helen Reddy song; I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar may be almost 40 years old, but today is OUR day to roar!

Are you in charge of arranging a Bachelorette Party? Are you a Bride who wants something different for your party?

I am offering a “Suite Week” to brides-to-be or friends of the bride who book a party in 2011. It can be any theme – birthday, girl’s night, house-warming, bridal showers/bachelorette party, etc. It does not have to be the Bachelorette party if the wedding is in 2012. Have the big party closer to the big date. BUT, get your Suite Week now so that you can plan a honeymoon that will be ‘budget friendly. The picture below helps explain and the new card is worth $1300 rather than $1200…

As a double incentive, I will also honor whatever promotions that the company is offering at the time of your 2011 party… this is one of our CURRENT hostess gifts for qualifying party totals. (Promotions are frequently updated)